Why You Should Hire an Independent Video Production Company

When you need a video for your business, it can be hard to know how to approach it.
You could hire a freelancer, work with an ad agency or marketing firm, or even do it yourself. You want to get the best video for your time and money, but how do you know which direction to go?
Creative freelancers can be a great option, but they can also be unreliable and uncommunicative, leaving you guessing at where your project stands.
Big ad agencies and marketing firms can usually make you a great video, there’s no doubt about that. It can be nice to have an entire team dedicated to completing your project, but with that team also comes a lot more hassle. The larger the team, and the more things they have on their plate, the harder it is to reach consensus and get things started. You end up paying more just for all the internal meetings and approval processes that have to happen before even the first version of your video is complete.
What a lot of those firms won’t tell you is that they often hire out specialized contractors for things like photo, video, and graphic design work.
They find the creator, manage the project, and charge you extra for their role in the process.
When you work with an independent video production company, you’re taking a shortcut. Instead of paying a premium for added administrative costs, you get the exact same video as the ad agencies can give you, but for the true price of production. Feel free to check out our blog post that elaborates more on the important of videography for your business.
Another great thing about working directly with a video production company is that we’re specialized in what we do. We’ve got all the experience, expertise, and equipment it takes to produce stellar videos for business across industries. Plus, we run a lean operation focused solely on video production. In short, when you hire a video production company to make a video, you can be confident your money isn’t paying for anything but video production. Click here to learn more about our video services.
Here’s what we like to tell our clients: We’re the guys the big ad agencies hire to make videos. When you work directly with us, you cut out the middle man, saving both time and money.
Tribal Video is here to help! If you have any questions about making a video for your business, give us a call at 817-995-5162. Also, feel free to check out our published blog post to learn more about how to get the most quality out of your business video, and how we can help you achieve just that!